Thursday 18 June 2015

Focus Group Evaluation

These were the questions asked during my focus group:
1. Do You Think The Advert Would Appeal To Children From The Same Age Group As The Actor In The Advert?
2. What Was The Message In The Advert?
3. Did The Advert Have A Positive Feel To It?
4. Do You Think Children Would Know How And Where To Seek Help After Watching The Advert?
5. On A Scale of 1-10 How Effective Was The Advert And Why?

From my focus group I have found out that people agreed that the advert was appealing to children from that age group. This is mainly because the actor is from that age group. There were some mixed answers when asked about the message in the advert. However, most agreed that the message was that children do get bullied and people are not as aware of it as they should be. It was agreed that the advert had a positive feel to it, however, one comment was that it was very dark at first when we first see the child has been bullied. It was agreed that children would know where to find help after seeing the advert, this is because the website was listed at the end, as well as having the actor say that this is where you need to go for more information. The advert was rated 8 on average as it was effective in engaging with the audience and providing relevant information, however, could be slightly more uplifting.

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