Friday 13 December 2013

Lock Logo Changes

 The first change I made was to change the colour scheme of the logo as this was seen to be too feminine previously. I was able to do this by selecting the paint bucket tool and filling the shape with my chosen colour.
 I also made the lock a different colour, changing this to a darker shade of purple.
 To make the logo stand out more, I gave the lock a 3D effect by adding lines to the side of the lock. I did this through creating a rectangle shape and free transforming it to fit inside the lock.
I then gave the shackle a 3D effect also, I extended the outline of the lock by creating a rectangle shape and free transformed it until I was happy with the placement.
 I then made the 'ow!' text bigger as my feedback had said that this needed to be bigger.
 I also created the 'lock' text individually, this enabled me to position my text better. As previously I had to make a space where the lock shape would fit. By creating the letters individually I could then use the space available much better.
This is my final logo design.

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