Monday 10 November 2014

Evaluation on Filming So Far

What did you film?
During my first filming session I filmed the studio shots. This consisted of mainly performance parts from my lead singer and a guitarist. Although only filming in one location I managed to take a variety of different shot types.

When did you film?
I filmed these shots during my double media lesson.

I think that the filming went really well because I managed to get a variety of different shots, which will allow me to be more creative when editing. I also feel that the shots are in focus very well, as well as getting my framing right.

The filming could have been better if I had used a green screen, however, I have not yet started to edit so I am unsure of whether this is a problem or not.

Did you need to reshoot anything? If you have already reshot it, what made it better than before?
This was the first filming I have done so I haven't reshot anything yet. At this point I am happy with what was filmed.

Did you stick to your storyboards?
Yes I have, so far, stuck to my storyboards.

Were you well prepared enough?
No I don't think I was prepared enough to film, however, I don't see this as a negative. I think this helped with filming, I had a rough idea what was going to happen and on the day everything went really smoothly.

What have you learned about filming from this experience?
I have learned that filming is a much longer process than what I originally thought.

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