Tuesday 4 November 2014

Vox Pop Questions

  1. What do you know about being safe online? I found out that the majority of people know the basic information about being safe online, however, none of the participants had an in depth knowledge.
  2. Name 3 of your favourite T.V. channels I found that participants had varied answers for this question, because there is such a wide range of channels available on T.V.
  3. What time do you watch these? I found that most participants watched T.V. in the evenings, particularly after 6pm.
  4. What platform do you watch these on? Most participants used a T.V. however, one person used their mobile phone.
  5. What would you expect to see on a staying safe online campaign? I found that some participants would expect to see a story being told about someone who hasnt followed the rules online and what can happen from this. As well as some participants expecting to see tips about how to stay safe online.

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