Thursday, 18 June 2015

Focus Group Evaluation

These were the questions asked during my focus group:
1. Do You Think The Advert Would Appeal To Children From The Same Age Group As The Actor In The Advert?
2. What Was The Message In The Advert?
3. Did The Advert Have A Positive Feel To It?
4. Do You Think Children Would Know How And Where To Seek Help After Watching The Advert?
5. On A Scale of 1-10 How Effective Was The Advert And Why?

From my focus group I have found out that people agreed that the advert was appealing to children from that age group. This is mainly because the actor is from that age group. There were some mixed answers when asked about the message in the advert. However, most agreed that the message was that children do get bullied and people are not as aware of it as they should be. It was agreed that the advert had a positive feel to it, however, one comment was that it was very dark at first when we first see the child has been bullied. It was agreed that children would know where to find help after seeing the advert, this is because the website was listed at the end, as well as having the actor say that this is where you need to go for more information. The advert was rated 8 on average as it was effective in engaging with the audience and providing relevant information, however, could be slightly more uplifting.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Secondary Research - Internet

This research was very useful to me as the informtaion provided was all relevent. It provided me with styles and techniques to make an advert successful which was very helpful to me to read this prior to making my advertisement.

Secondary Research - Book

I found the research from the book very useful, however, I felt that it consisted of mainly case studies.The book provided relevent informtation about advertising techniques found through psychologists. This was helpful to me as the book covered many topics about advertising.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

What did my focus group discover?

During my focus group I asked 5 questions, these were:
1. How often do you use the internet?
2. Do you use social media often?
3. What do you know about being safe online?
4. Do you download or stream any content?
5. Do you agree that it is safer having more passwords for different accounts?

I have found out from this that people didn't agree that having more passwords is safer, this is because you need to write those passwords somewhere, therefore it is no longer safe if you cannot remember them. I also found out that yes people use the internet often, usually to go on social media. As well as this downloading and streaming is also very popular among the people I asked.  Finally, there were mixed answers when asked about what they knew about being safe online. One person knew quite a large amount of information about being safe online, however the other two didn't know that much.

Focus Group Questions

1. How often do you use the internet?
2. Do you use social media often?
3. What do you know about being safe online?
4. Do you download or stream any content?
5. Do you agree that it is safer having more passwords for different accounts?

Completed Questionnaires

Here are some examples of some completed questionnaires:

3 Mind Maps

These are my 3 mind maps.

Prezi explaining the different styles, forms etc of advertising

Audience Research - Pie chart results

These are the results from the questionnaires.

As we can see from these results most people watched BBC1. This might have been because of the age group they came under. These questionnaires have provided me with more in depth statistics, for example what T.V channels they watched the most. Therefore this has given me an insight of where and when to show the advert.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Fianl Advertisment

This is the final draft of my advertisement, where i have made significant changes as pointed out by my client.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

First Draft of Bullying Advert

WWW: I have added a black and white effect to the advert, which I think makes the video look more professional. There are also some sound effects which work really well with the advert and the timing is good. Finally, I have cut quite quickly, which makes the advert more eye catching as well as having a fast paced feel to it.

EBI: One improvement that can be made is to re-shoot some footage as the camera is shaky, which gives an unprofessional look to advertisement. I could also think about adding some music as this would make the advertisement more appealing to my target audience. As well as this, I will need to re-shoot due to continuity problems, for example the actor throws a cup in the video however the cup can still be seen after it is thrown.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Risk Assessment

Focus Group


1.     Which gender are you?  Male or Female
2.     Which age group do you come under? 0-17, 18-50, 51+
3.     What is your occupation? Self-employed, employed full time, employed part time or in education.
4.     When do you usually watch T.V.? Morning (6am-11.30am), Afternoon (11.30am-5.30pm), Evenings (5.30pm-11.00pm)
5.     How many hours each day do you watch T.V. for? 0-2, 3-5, 6+
6.     What platform do you watch this on? Computer, tablet, T.V. , phone or games console.
7.     Do you have any children? Yes or No
8.     Which of these channels are you most likely to watch? BBC 1, ITV 1, MTV or Comedy Central.
9.     What is your marital status? Single, Married, Divorced, or Separated

Props and Costumes List

Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Uploading My Work

After filming had taken place I would have to put the footage onto the computer, by taking out the memory card in the camera and putting it into the computer. After this it was important to save the footage then import it onto the editing software. The editing software that I used was adobe premier CS6. The software allowed me to edit my music video together, using various different effects. After the video was complete, I exported my work then uploaded it to YouTube.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Feedback From Client

After presenting my first draft of the music video to my client I was given some feedback on production. I was told that the video needed a wider variety of shots, therefore I went and shot some more shots using different locations and costumes. This has improved my video because there is more footage making it more appealing than it was before. As well as this, I have also changed the background behind the lead singer, as this was seen as dull and boring. I have now changed this to a light purple, making this more colourful, as well as the colours used will attract my target audience. Some advantages to my first draft were that the editing was engaging throughout, also that the shots were well framed and steady.

First Draft - Music Video

This is my first draft for my music video. There are still lots of changes to make, however, the structure of the video is there. I still need to put backgrounds behind each shot, as well as do more filming. This will give me a wider variety of shots available to use in the video, therefore will make my video my exciting and eye catching. I am happy with the guitar solo, as I think the cutting is very fast and this makes the video more appealing, however, I will try to add more cutaway shots within this section of the video.