Thursday 22 January 2015


1.     Which gender are you?  Male or Female
2.     Which age group do you come under? 0-17, 18-50, 51+
3.     What is your occupation? Self-employed, employed full time, employed part time or in education.
4.     When do you usually watch T.V.? Morning (6am-11.30am), Afternoon (11.30am-5.30pm), Evenings (5.30pm-11.00pm)
5.     How many hours each day do you watch T.V. for? 0-2, 3-5, 6+
6.     What platform do you watch this on? Computer, tablet, T.V. , phone or games console.
7.     Do you have any children? Yes or No
8.     Which of these channels are you most likely to watch? BBC 1, ITV 1, MTV or Comedy Central.
9.     What is your marital status? Single, Married, Divorced, or Separated

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