Thursday 22 January 2015

Risk Assessment

Focus Group


1.     Which gender are you?  Male or Female
2.     Which age group do you come under? 0-17, 18-50, 51+
3.     What is your occupation? Self-employed, employed full time, employed part time or in education.
4.     When do you usually watch T.V.? Morning (6am-11.30am), Afternoon (11.30am-5.30pm), Evenings (5.30pm-11.00pm)
5.     How many hours each day do you watch T.V. for? 0-2, 3-5, 6+
6.     What platform do you watch this on? Computer, tablet, T.V. , phone or games console.
7.     Do you have any children? Yes or No
8.     Which of these channels are you most likely to watch? BBC 1, ITV 1, MTV or Comedy Central.
9.     What is your marital status? Single, Married, Divorced, or Separated

Props and Costumes List

Tuesday 20 January 2015


Uploading My Work

After filming had taken place I would have to put the footage onto the computer, by taking out the memory card in the camera and putting it into the computer. After this it was important to save the footage then import it onto the editing software. The editing software that I used was adobe premier CS6. The software allowed me to edit my music video together, using various different effects. After the video was complete, I exported my work then uploaded it to YouTube.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Feedback From Client

After presenting my first draft of the music video to my client I was given some feedback on production. I was told that the video needed a wider variety of shots, therefore I went and shot some more shots using different locations and costumes. This has improved my video because there is more footage making it more appealing than it was before. As well as this, I have also changed the background behind the lead singer, as this was seen as dull and boring. I have now changed this to a light purple, making this more colourful, as well as the colours used will attract my target audience. Some advantages to my first draft were that the editing was engaging throughout, also that the shots were well framed and steady.

First Draft - Music Video

This is my first draft for my music video. There are still lots of changes to make, however, the structure of the video is there. I still need to put backgrounds behind each shot, as well as do more filming. This will give me a wider variety of shots available to use in the video, therefore will make my video my exciting and eye catching. I am happy with the guitar solo, as I think the cutting is very fast and this makes the video more appealing, however, I will try to add more cutaway shots within this section of the video.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Animatics for Bullying Advert

My first idea includes a victim of cyber bullying. We see shots of this saddening him, not allowing him to forget about the issue. He then seeks help from our website, which allows the bullies to stop making contact with him.

My second idea is about a child coming home from school, to go onto his computer. However, he doesn't see a computer he sees a terrifying monster. This is to show that bullying can affect people differently.

In my final idea there are a variety of teenagers explaining what they know about being safe online. I use various objects to symbolise bullying, for example having bottles of coca cola next to a bottle of Pepsi, this shows the bottle of Pepsi is the outcast amongst the other bottles.

Monday 12 January 2015

Budgeting Review

My total production budget is £954, this figure includes camera/tripod hire, location hire, crew hire and editing software hire.

I found that the 'Nikon D5200' would cost £40 per day. I felt this was the most appropriate camera to hire because this camera allows me to crop images without losing any detail. This will be very effective when editing. Therefore, I felt that this was the most appropriate purchase due to the budget.

I have also found a basic tripod which will cost £15 per day, this is due to the fact that a tripod will not often being used during filming.

The total cost of the lighting and green screen is £159 they will be placed in a hired London house. The cost of the London house per day is £75 however, filming here should only take 2 days max. I felt this was the best place to film after making my decision based on viewing the images of the house of the website.

My advertisement will only include one actor, therefore there is a slightly lower cost on this aspect of the advertisement. I have found an actor, which will cost £80 per day. I should expect to hire him for 3 days bringing him to a total of £240.

I have found an editing software suit to hire, the total cost being £525, this is for 2 days. I have chosen this specific editing suit because of the latest software it has to offer. This is including adobe premier and after effects. I should expect to use this suit for 2 days post filming.

Friday 9 January 2015

Paper Edit

This is my paper edit, which shows the timing of each cut within my music video. The locations of the tracks are written on the side of each track name, this made editing a lot easier. This is because I had a rough idea of when to cut in front of me whilst editing.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Budgeting for Advertisement

Before making my advertisement it is important to work out the costs of the whole production.This is so that I can work out how much the production will costs altogether, as well as where I will get the equipment from.

Camera/Tripod Hire
Cost of camera per day £40.
Cost of tripod per day £15.

Location Hire
Lighing = £114
Green Screen = £45

Talent/Crew Hire
1 Actor required, £80 per day=£160

Editing Software Hire
Editing suit £525 for two days.

Total production budget: £954

I have carefully selected different equipment from different companies. This is based on prices, as well as where these companies are predominantly based. I am aware that filming should take no longer than 2 days, therefore everything included above includes the price for 2 days. 

Monday 5 January 2015

Final Music Video

This is my final music video. I have now completed 2 drafts as well as the final product. I have been given feedback on how to improve the music video, therefore making some changes during each video.

Rushes Log

Casting Decisions

During my music video it is important to understand what individuals will be included in the video, as well as knowing the roles individuals will take.

Studio Scene 1:

Lip Sync: Georgia Neophytou

Guitarist: Liam Glencross

Studio Scene 2:

Guitarist: Liam Glencross

Inside Car footage:

Acting: Georgia Neophytou