Friday, 29 November 2013

Mixx Logo Explanation

  • I first opened photoshop and created an a4 size template, as this can be changed at anytime.
  • I then created a musical note, this was found in the shapes section.
  • I then created an outline on the note through blending options, applying a stroke and editing this to my prefered size. 
  • I preferred to have an outline on the shape as this really makes the shape stand out more and become bolder.
  • I then added some smaller notes by cropping the first initial musical note shape, I was able to do this by selecting half of the shape and cutting this to produce the smaller note.
  • I then changed the colour of these notes to blue, and free transformed them to create a slanted look.
  • My next step was to create my text, I did this through importing my text from 'da font' and editing the text using the paragraph and palette tool. I changed the text a few times as I was unsure of which text went better with the slanting musical note.
  • To create an open mouth affect I used a cresent shape from the shape menu and gave this shape an outline whilst also making the shape red using the bucket tool.
  • Finally, I added the 'Ow!' logo and insterted this next to the note shape.
  •                   I decided to have the mouth open rather than a smile as I thought this looked better in the final logo design.

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