Friday, 29 November 2013

Sound and Music Decisions

Ident 1
During the first ident there will be an action type sound which will be played whilst the flags come closer together, this is because it looks as if they are going to fight, so an action type sound will be suitable. After this both flags collide resulting in a bang noise being heard, this sound will be created during after effects. Before the narrator speaks the mood of the music changes, this will be upbeat to keep the audience interested. In a deep and unique voice the narrator will say 'where the best of British music and American sitcoms come together' as well as 'the grid'.
The action sound which we have chosen is 'nerves' by
The sound whilst the logo is moving is 'cut and run'
The music used for this ident will relate to the younger audiences who watch the television channel as it is quite heavy and has a strong bass line to it, it also has a 'Gangster' type of feel to it relating to the younger audiences.

Ident 2
During the second ident there will also be an action type sound which will be played whilst the buildings come closer together, this is because they will fight meaning that there will need to be a mysterious sound being played. After this the buildings collide resulting in a crash sound, which will be made during after effects. Before the narrator speaks the music will change into an exciting and vibrant track, this helps cover a wider range of target audience as this is a different genre to the type of music played in the programmes. The narrator will then say 'The Grid!'
The action sound will be 'take a chance'
The sound whilst the logo is moving is 'all this'
The Music chosen for this ident relates to an older audience but not so much older than 18, I believe it is aimed much more towards people aged 20 to 25 as it has some orchestral instruments being played but with a heavy and very grand bass. The second sound clip is also the same it is played with orchestral instruments but has a weaker bass to it but still has a sense of sophistication to it making me think that it is aimed towards people older than 18 or 19 years.

Ident 3
During the third ident there will be an action type sound which will be played whilst the plates come together, this is because this will draw the audiences attention straight to the screen as the music is very dark and exciting. After the plates collide there will be a loud bang noise, which will be made during after effects. The music changes after the bang noise is heard, this then changes to a funny upbeat track as the constant change means that the audience will not get bored. The narrator will then say 'the grid'
The action sound will be 'the descent'
The sound whilst the logo is moving is 'vanes'
The sounds picked for this ident are aimed for people around the ages of 25 to 30 years as they are very orchestral and quite sophisticated pieces of music, they don't have any sort of synthetic bass lines they are all live played music and quite quick.

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