Tuesday 19 November 2013

Location Post

Location Post

1Where will you shoot? 
–    Our planned ident series will take place in the media classroom as this is where we will have access to most of the props needed. The camera work will take place mainly during lesson time, as this is when we will have full access to specific props, such as a green screen.
2What does it look like?
      The media classroom has lots of natural light which comes through from windows, there is also artificial light which comes from lights. The classroom may also have artificial lights coming from the computers, this depends on whether the computers are switched on. There will be a green screen situated at the back of the classroom for our use.
3How do you access it? 
      We will access the media room mainly during lesson time, however if all the shooting is not finished in time we may have to access this in our own time. We will also need to book out the green screen with the teacher which will be done during lesson time.
4 Health and safety concerns and what you will do to stop these being a problem?
      In the classroom bags can be tripped over as well as chairs and personal belongings. This can be resolved by placing everything under a desk and making sure the floors are clear. Injuries may also occur as the green screen will take up a lot of space, this can be resolved by ensuring that no one is allowed to be within a certain distance from the screen, except when filming.

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